NAME: Nabagiga Patience Miriam
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDAY: 05/16/2013
CHILD CLASS: Primary Four (P4)
- Playing dodgeball
Family Info:
- Nabusando Wilberforce- Father
- Adongo Hellen- Mother
- Kotoli Erifasi- Brother
- Tusubira Antony- Brother
- Kisakye Aaron- Brother
- Mirembe Ruth- Sister
- Nahabo Happy- Sister
- Nafula Rebbeca- Cousin
Location: East Africa
Form of Government: Presidential Republic
Population: 45,711,874
Primary Language: English (taught in schools) & 56 Tribal Languages
Primary Religion: Muslim & Christianity
- 79.9% of homes are child-headed
- 50% of the country’s population is under 15 years old
- 27% of adults are illiterate, most of whom are women
- 68.2% drop out of primary school, of which most are girls
When a child is fully sponsored they receive:
- Full medical care
- Regular, nutritional meals
- Tuition for an education (School is not free in Uganda)
- School supplies
- Clean clothing and shoes
Thank you for investing!

Beyond Uganda is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Our tax ID # is 46-0764288. All donations are tax-deductible.
Please call us at 800-411-7602 Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm CST to speak with a Beyond Uganda representative.
Beyond Uganda is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
Our tax ID # is 46-0764288. All donations are tax-deductible.
Please call us at 800-411-7602 Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
to speak with a Beyond Uganda representative.